Deyo Family Association
The Deyo Family Association was organized in 1964 to be a support to the Huguenot Historical Society located on Historic Huguenot Street in New Paltz, New York. Historic Huguenot Street was settled in 1660 by twelve French Huguenot refugee families seeking religious freedom in the New World. It is the oldest street in the United States to have the original stone houses and is a National Historic Landmark. Two of the Huguenot families were our ancestors Christien Deyo and his son, Pierre Deyo.
The mission of the Deyo Family Association is to promote, preserve, and educate our French-American Huguenot heritage for future generations of Deyos. We maintain Deyo House, our ancestral home originally built as a stone house in 1692 by Pierre Deyo and transformed into a Queen Anne
Victorian house in 1895 by Abraham Deyo Brodhead.
The Deyo Family Association consists of Deyo Family descendants and friends from all over the United States. We support the efforts of the
Huguenot Historical Society in events and fundraisers as well as adding to archival collections for educational displays that include historical Deyo
family related home furnishings, clothing, quilts, memorabilia, documents, genealogy and ephemera.
Membership to the Deyo Family Association includes annual dues or Life Membership, discounts for tours and events on Historic Huguenot
Street, four informative newsletters per year on Deyo family history and Street affairs, a museum discount on purchases and dual membership
with the Huguenot Historical Society. The Deyo Family Association brings the Deyo cousins together because we are “all about family” past and present.